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Montessori Science Materials
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Leaf Cabinet (Premium Quality) Leaf Cabinet (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB01

Price: $285.00
Cabinet for Leaf Cards (Premium Quality) Cabinet for Leaf Cards (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB04

Price: $51.50
Leaf Card Cabinet Box for Leaf Cards (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB03

Price: $32.50
Parts of a Leaf Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Leaf Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB08

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Tree Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Tree Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB09

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Flower Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Flower Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB10

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Flower Knobbed Puzzle Parts of a Flower Knobbed Puzzle

Product Code: PB07

Price: $70.00
Parts of a Seed Knobbed Puzzle Parts of a Seed Knobbed Puzzle

Product Code: PB05

Price: $70.00
Parts of a Horse Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Horse Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB11

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Fish Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Fish Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB12

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Bird Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Bird Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB13

Price: $36.00
Parts of a Frog Puzzle (Premium Quality) Parts of a Frog Puzzle (Premium Quality)

Product Code: PB14

Price: $36.00
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Science Materials

The Montessori Timeline of Life, one of the so-called five Great Lessons, traces the movement of life from the oceans to land. From this and other lessons, the entire science curriculum flows. Further, Dr. Montessori believed that work in science should be grounded in outdoor experience before supported with Montessori Science Materials in the classroom. Studying plants? Go outside and collect leaves to bring indoors to work with Montessori Botany Materials! Wooden leaves from the Montessori Leaf Cabinet are taken out and their margins are compared. They can be classified into categories: pinnate, chordate, etc. The Botany Leaf Shapes Puzzle, Botany Leaf Cards, beautifully displayed in the Box for Leaf Cards in its own Cabinet for Leaf Cards, furthers the study, while the Botany Leaf Cabinet Control checks their work. Montessori Botany Puzzles allow children to discover the parts of plants, all organized in a Botany Puzzle Cabinet. Specific to the North American continent is the North American Botany Leaf Shapes Puzzle. Thus, the tactile element is still a strong component of the cultural science curriculum. Later demonstrated experiments are supported by Montessori Impressionistic Botany Charts, which are repeated and expanded upon by the children. The Montessori Zoology Materials follow a similar outline. Learning the parts of animals: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals using Montessori Zoology Puzzles is followed by learning the functions of animals: movement, protection, support, circulation, respiration, and reproduction. As always, the furniture-quality Zoology Puzzle Cabinet both organizes and displays the material. Montessori once stated that adults should “sow the seeds of culture (science) so that they may germinate under the flaming heat of a child’s imagination”. When asked, “How many?” She simply responded, “As many as possible.” Using authentic experience, impressionistic lessons, and Montessori Science Premium Quality Materials, we help the child weave an integrated tapestry of the world for themselves.