Theorem of Pythagoras (Task Cards)
Theorem of Pythagoras (Task Cards)
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Price: $14.99
Recommended Age Group: 8-11 years
Made in: USA

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 72 Hours
Item Number: M145.02

Laminate or Laminate & Cut

Laminate [Add $20.00]
Laminate & Cut [Add $29.00]

Additional items:
PL25 - Storage Box for the Task Cards [Add $19.00]

Product Description Product Specification Additional Information
The set of task cards consists of 27 cards divided into three sections. Each card contains a control for errors on the back. The cards should be used with the help of an adult with non-readers. You will love working with our task cards and see the positive impact that they have on your learners!

This excellent material will help children do individual work with the
Theorem of Pythagoras

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Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

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5 of 5 March 14, 2023
Reviewer: Jennie Caskey from Sarasota, FL United States  

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