Sentence Analysis Level 6-9
The work presented here consists of various steps and exercises to help the student understand the concept of analyzing sentences. A series of sentences have been put together ranging from simple to complex. As the child works through these sentences their understanding of how words relate to one another in a sentence should progress in a natural way. Certain parts of this work are consumable and therefore reproducible blackline masters have been provided and will be marked as such. These should be photocopied as needed for use in the classroom. This product includes a blackline master, instructions, and prepared sentence strips.
1. Introductory Experience
• A set of high quality pictures that the teacher will use along with the students. These will be used to initiate a discussion about the action (predicate) taking place and whom or what (subject) is performing that action. Simple sentence can be constructed using these pictures as inspiration. Printed on card stock and may be laminated for durability and longevity.
• Blank sentence strips that can be used when constructing sentences during the Introductory Experience. These sentence strips should then be symbolized using the wooden circles and arrows. Reproducible blackline masters. Photocopies should be made as needed.
2. Prepared Sentence Strips
There are eight sets of sentence strips that range from simple to complex. These are to be used along with the wooden circles and arrows. Reproducible blackline masters. Photocopies should be made as needed.
3. Prepared Reading Analysis Cards
Eight sets of reading analysis cards with sentences that range from simple to complex. For familiarity some of the sentences from the Prepared Sentence Strips have been repeated here. The student will be asked simple questions about the sentences such as, “What is the action? Whom or what did the action?” Answers to the questions on the cards may be recorded in Reading Analysis Workbook A. Printed on card stock and may be laminated for durability and repeated use.
4. Prepared Logical Analysis Cards
Eight sets of logical analysis cards with sentences that range from simple to complex. For familiarity some of the sentences from the Prepared Sentence Strips have been repeated here. The student will now be asked more abstract questions about the same sentences such as, “What is the predicate? Whom or what is the subject?” Answers to the questions on the cards may be recorded in Logical Analysis Workbook B. Printed on card stock and may be laminated for durability and repeated use.
5. Prepared Sentence Cards
Eight sets of prepared sentences where the student may perform a reading or logical analysis of the sentences. The sentences here may be written on blank sentence strips and symbolized with the wooden circles and arrows. They may also be used with Reading Analysis Workbook A and Logical Analysis Workbook B. Printed on card stock and may be laminated for durability and repeated use.
6. Sentence Analysis Workbooks A and B
• Reading Analysis Workbook A is used to record the answers to questions asked when the student is performing a reading analysis. The workbook can be used with the Prepared Sentence Strips, Prepared Reading Analysis Cards, Prepared Sentence Cards or it can also be used as a freestanding workbook where the student may construct and analyze their own sentences. Reproducible blackline masters. Photocopies should be made as needed.
• Logical Analysis Workbook B is used to record the answers to questions asked when the student is performing a logical analysis. The workbook can be used with the Prepared Sentence Strips, Prepared Logical Analysis Cards, Prepared Sentence Cards or it can also be used as a freestanding workbook where the student may construct and analyze their own sentences. Reproducible blackline masters. Photocopies should be made as needed.
7. Sentence Construction with Pictures Booklets
Five sentence construction booklets with ten different scenes where the student will be able to construct and logically analyze two of their own sentences. Reproducible blackline masters. Photocopies should be made as needed.