This is the Pink Language Series set, which is printed on cardstock paper (it is not cut or laminated). There are instructions included with the Montessori Pink Language Series.
This set includes:
75 word cards
75 picture cards
6 Pink Booklets
- 17 words with vowel "a"
- 17 words with vowel "e"
- 17 words with vowel "i"
- 17 words with vowel "o"
- 17 words with vowel "u"
- 35 words of mixed vowels
24 Pink Word Lists
- 4 word cards with vowel “a”
- 4 word cards with vowel “e”
- 4 word cards with vowel “i”
- 4 word cards with vowel “o”
- 4 word cards with vowel “u”
- 4 word cards with mixed vowels
18 Rhyming Families
- 18 card containers for the vowel sets
- 5 cards in each set
12 Substitution cards
- cards have only beginning and ending consonants
- 1 chart showing vowels in the center of flowers
36 command cards with mixed vowels
16 Pictures and Phrases cards
- phrases have pictures to represent them
12 Pictures and Sentences cards
- sentences have pictures to represent them
8 command sentences with mixed vowel words
The c-v-c (consonant-vowel-consonant) pattern that is used in this set will teach children to master consonants and vowels.
The Pink Series set contains 40 pages, including the instructions.
This material was developed by Teresa Noble, Montessori Consultant.
The Pink Language Series is also available in cursive and d'nealian fonts.
L39: The Pink Language Series
These cards are printed on 80lb card stock paper.
This product is available in the following options:
- Printed
- Printed and Laminated
- Printed, Laminated, and Cut