Honeybee vs Wasp Chart with Cards
Honeybee vs Wasp Chart with Cards
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Price: $78.00
Recommended Age Group: 9 years+
Made in: USA
Dimensions: W: 18" x L: 22.5"

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Item Number: Z249

Laminate or Laminate & Cut

Laminate [Add $18.50]
Laminate & Cut [Add $30.50]

Product Description Product Specification Additional Information
We are introducing our new zoology material: Honeybee vs Wasp Chart with Cards! This engaging and informative material is perfect for children aged 9+.

It includes:
  • one control chart
  • 10 research cards
  • 34 task cards
Each task card contains a control for errors on the back. The set of 34 task cards is divided into four sections with the following focuses:

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Honeybee
Section 3 - Wasp
Section 4 - True/False

We believe that scaffolded materials with control of error foster academic self-esteem and autonomy. We professionally design our materials with young learners in mind! This material is ideal for children ages 9-12 years.

We are confident your learners will enjoy differentiating honeybee and a wasp.

This chart measures 18" x 22.5". It is printed on synthetic paper that does not tear or curl when rolled for storage.
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