Grade One Montessori Curriculum Materials
Virtually every educational or even neurological study that has come out in the last 50 years supports the concepts and pedagogy of a Montessori education. The Planes of Development, showing there are common characteristics from birth to six, six to twelve, twelve to eighteen and even eighteen to twenty-four year olds, is certainly a concept those in education recognized quite clearly.
Of the many new qualities that children exhibit when entering the second plane (6-12 year olds), is a fascination with nomenclature and with the larger world beyond their family, beyond their immediate surroundings. Nomenclature can be simply stated as “the parts of things”. And what kind of things are first graders interested in? A better question would be what AREN’T they interested in? “Give them the world”, was the exhortation Dr. Montessori gave almost a century ago, and it still holds true today.
The Grade 1 Puzzle Curriculum matches these characteristics with a huge array of topics, including Astronomy, Botany, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Science, and Zoology. As any quality Montessori material, they are beautiful, hand-drawn, made of wood, not plastic, and can be beautifully displayed in the prepared environment in a custom cabinet.
All of the puzzles contain a depth appropriate for the young Elementary child. For example, the Life Cycle of a Star includes:
Stellar Clouds
Small Star
Red Giant
Planetary Nebula
White Dwarf
Black Dwarf
Neutron Star
Large Star
Red Supergiant
Black Hole
Download the package contents as a pdf file.
Updated: April 8th, 2024