Fraction Ruler
Fraction Ruler
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Price: $49.99
Made in: USA
Dimensions: W: 7.1" x L: 13.45"

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Item Number: M569

Product Description
Our Fraction Ruler is designed to enhance the mathematical skills of children ages 6 to 9. The material comes in a wooden frame that contains six fraction rulers with different graduations representing 12 units segmented differently.

This set of fraction rulers is perfect for children to visualize and understand fractions in a hands-on way. The different graduations on the rulers make it easy for children to see and manipulate different fractions, helping them to comprehend that fractions are parts of a whole. They can also use the rulers to perform simple calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.

Using the Montessori Fraction Rulers Material also promotes math-specific vocabulary development and identification of fractional parts. Children can use the Fraction Rulers to create segmented lines that they can label using fraction notation. Children can strengthen their mathematical abilities by using the Montessori Fraction Rulers Material, building the foundation for future academic and real-life experiences.

Learning Skills

  • fraction
  • fraction notation

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