Tiny Tot Bamboo is a 2-in-1 bike that easily converts from a tricycle to a 2-wheel balance bike! Designed for "tiny tots" ages 12 to 24 months, Kinderfeets Tiny Tot starts off as a tricycle and when needed it easily converts into a 2-wheel balance bike. It's the smallest 2-in-1 balance bike on the market! Seat height: 8.5”-11” or 21.5-28 cm
Why Bamboo?
There are many benefits to using bamboo that we took into account. Bamboo is stronger than steel and heartier than most hardwood, making it a versatile and valuable building material. That means a high-quality, high-durability bicycle.
Bamboo is also eco-friendly in many ways. It produces more oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees. While hard wood takes 30-50 years to mature, bamboo takes between 3-5 years and requires no pesticides or chemicals to encourage the maturation process.
Bamboo is grown in developing countries, so we are proud to support a sustainable way of living for many impoverished populations. Our commitment to Mother Nature is at our forefront, and using bamboo is just one way of giving back.